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Steve Tolin

Special Effects Costume

Creepy creature creator . . . and more!

“Create the illusion"

bugman head
Jobs in Film

Types of effects

Special effects fall into two categories:

Practical effects/SFX: these are "real" effects, like Steve's BugMan costume. Steve and other special effects artists also create props, sets and makeup. His items are on set and used during shooting.

Digital effects/DFX: these are computer-generated effects, and might include green screen productions, 3D modeling, addition of an element like fire, or motion capture. These effects are added after the filming during the post production phase.

Becoming an "SFX" artist

Steve credits interests in both art and science (especially biology) as important to his career. While there are schools that offer training in SFX, Steve encourages students to experiment with materials that have available to try to achieve the look they are going for, such as painting a model or sculpting a costume. This is a job where no two assignments are ever the same, so experience and problem solving skills are key. Consider join a special effects shop as an apprentice. Many of his staff started sweeping floors and learned more about their talents and interests as assistants on Steve's projects.

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Special effects artists work with many people on set, including costumers, directors, producers and make-up artists to create convincing worlds for film audiences.

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Costumes tell a story about a character. The wardrobe team weaves their talent into the overall effort to tell stories through film.

Make-up Artist

Make-up artists most often enhance the look of an actor or on-screen talent. They manipulate color, light and the interplay with a camera for the best effect.

Key Grip

Creativity, responsibility, and teamwork. Grips are the lifeblood of life on set,
and no movie would get done
without them!