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Chris Bell

Sound Mixer

The Ears on Set

“It's about NOT noticing sound."

Audio Mixer Responsibilities

Nothing's worse than a bad overdub, which is the unfortunate result of audio gone wrong.

We hear dialogue, background sound, and even music through the soundwave-sensitive membrane of a microphone. Capturing that sound perfectly is the job of the audio department, and specifically a sound mixer like Chris.

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Jobs in Film

Types of Audio professionals

Mixers: operate sound boards and other equipment to record clean sound on set.

Boom operators: someone who holds and directs a microphone to capture the best sound and keep the mic out of the shot.

Foley: a post-production sound position to add sound effects back in, like footsteps. Foley artists use creativity to recreate sounds that add realism to a scene, but were too hard to capture on set.


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Audio is one of the essential pillars for film and television production. Much like editing, if you have an interest in music you could find a fit in the audio field.

Learn more about Film Jobs!

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